Friday, July 5, 2013

Hello From Cambodia!

Hey, Everyone!
These last few days have been AMAZING! We arrived In Phnom Penh, Cambodia on Wednesday and settled in at the Cambodia Samaritan Home guesthouse. After a good night of sleep, we traveled to Battambang to scope out (for the first time!) the 30 acres of land that has been donated to Sending Hope International. We spent the night in Battambang, then traveled back to Phnom Penh the next day (yesterday.) We ended the day with an outreach event, where Dave Atkins presented the gospel and Anna Minnear and I led worship! 
That was just a quick breakdown of everything that happened! I can't wait to share all the details with everyone once I get home! One of my favorite things we've done has actually just been running around in the rain! The rain and the air are both SO warm and the rain drops are so big! Yesterday Anna and I had the greatest time just running up and down the streets getting soaked! We've also enjoyed trying all the new foods... even though half the time we have no idea what we're eating. ;) I have wifi in the guesthouse until we leave for Thailand on Tuesday. Please continue praying for my health, as I am still adjusting to everything here in Cambodia!

In His Service,
Hannah Megan Boyd
-Philippians 1:21


  1. Looks like your having a great time! I'll be praying for your safety =) Is this your first time going on a Mission's trip?

  2. Awesome!! :) Love the pictures. <3

  3. Hope you had fun!

    ♥ Aspirer
