About Me

10 little things you should know about me…

1.) I just graduated high-school this spring after being home-schooled for twelve years! I began taking college classes this fall semester and just finished my first class (english) with an A!! My main priority with college is to remain debt-free and, as of right now, The Lord has provided me with the means to do so for the next two years!

2.) The Lord has called me to fulltime ministry (specifically missions and worship arts) and I dream of starting my own orphan ministry four years down the road, after graduating college.

3.) I have a heart for tween girls and love pouring into their lives. 

4.) I am the eldest of five children, yet still the only girl!  Speaking of children, I absolutely love them and I can’t wait to be a mommy/homemaker one day.

5.) My parents are church-planting missionaries! Basically we travel around North America starting new churches. :)

Now, on a less serious note… ;)

6.) I’m a TOTAL girly girl . Don’t even get me started.

7.)  I’m really outgoing around my family, but shy around everyone else! I blush all the time.

8.) Vanilla Chai tea is my favorite… and Christmas… AND books. <3

9.) I love being barefoot and can’t stand wearing shoes (my feet are size 3 ½, by the way. I still shop in the children’s section.)

10.) I would rather write a song than a journal entry.  In fact, it’s more like my songs ARE my journal entries. If you know me, then there’s a 100% chance (well, maybe not a 100% chance, but you get it) that I have written either a song about you or a song with you in it.  Oh yeah, I can play the piano, the guitar and the drums.

But most importantly, I’m just a sinner, saved by God’s amazing grace.

In His Service,

Hannah Megan Boyd
~Philippians 1:21


  1. It is so good you get to know you better!

    1. It's good getting to know you, too! I saw on your blogger profile that your family is a missionary family as well. I guess we have that in common! Fun stuff. :)

  2. That's awesome Hannah! I love your list! Thanks for following me by the way! :)

    1. Thank you and of course! I love reading your updates!

  3. It is geat reading about you! You are so pretty inside and out!

    Have a GREAT day! =D
    ~Hannah, Ruth, and Sarah Keller~

    1. Thank you, Keller girls!!! I enjoy reading about you guys, as well. Thank you for following my blog!
