Monday, May 6, 2013

The End Of A Chapter

The End Of A Chapter

     About seven years ago my family moved to California to take care of my father's parents in their last years of life after my grandmother had a stroke and survived. My grandma passed away about two years ago and my grandpa just died about two weeks ago. They both passed away surrounded by their children and their grandchildren, in a happy, loving home. 
     My grandpa's wish was to be surrounded by his loved one's when he passed away. For those of you who don't know, my father pastor's a church that meets in our home. My grandpa passed away in his bedroom during the church service, with all of his favorite people in the same home as he breathed his last. Three years ago, when he was 88 years old, my grandpa prayed with a lady at our church and accepted Christ. It is encouraging now to know that he is in a better place and finally with my grandma again! We just had his memorial service a couple days ago (Saturday) in our home as well. It was a sweet time recalling memories and reminiscing about different things that my grandpa did during his life (like fighting in World War 2 and helping build the Apollo 13!) He was a brave man who loved his family, friends and his country. 
     For my family, this represents the end of a chapter in our lives. We spent the last seven years caring for my grandparents, but that time is now over. It was a time when our family was faced with different struggles, but as I look back, I realize that there were far more blessings we encountered during this time than hindrances. 

1 Timothy 5:8 (NIV)
Anyone who does not provide for his relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 

     This verse really convicted our family seven years ago when deciding whether or not to care for my grandparents. Today, my parents leave me in awe. They didn't care about what culture thinks of the elderly. My parents left our entire life in Canada to move to California in order to take care of my grandparents. Who does that anymore? Unfortunately, not many people. Living a Christian lifestyle calls us to be different. To love everybody. Before we start thinking about providing a home for that abandoned dog, shouldn't we start by providing a home for members of our very own family?

In His Service,
~Hannah Megan Boyd
Philippians 1:21

1 comment:

  1. We are sorry that your Grandpa past away, but at the same time SO happy he is in a better place!
    Your Grandparents sounded like great people!

    Thank you for sharing!
    In Christ,
    ~The Keller Girls~
